Find below a selection of pictures and a list of many fancy dress and costume ideas for the theme “Disney cartoon characters” ordered alphabetically !
Photos of fancy dress and costumes for the theme “Disney cartoon characters”

List of fancy dress and costume ideas for the theme “Disney cartoon characters”
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter A
- Abby Mallard (Chicken Little)
- Abu (Aladdin)
- Adella (The Little Mermaid)
- Agent Pleakley (Lilo & Stitch)
- Akela (The Jungle Book)
- Al (Toy Story)
- Aladdin
- Alan-a-Dale (Robin Hood)
- Alanna (The Little Mermaid)
- Alcmene (Hercules)
- Alfredo Linguini (Ratatouille)
- Alice in Wonderland
- Amphitryon (Hercules)
- Anastasia (Cinderella)
- Andrina (The Little Mermaid)
- Andy (Toy Story )
- Aquata (The Little Mermaid)
- Ariel, the Little Mermaid
- Arista (The Little Mermaid)
- Atina (The Little Mermaid)
- Atropos (Hercules)
- Aunt Sarah (Lady and the Tramp)
- Aurora/Briar Rose (Sleeping Beauty )
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter B
- Baby Herman (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?)
- Bagheera (The Jungle Book)
- Baloo (The Jungle Book)
- Banzai (The Lion King )
- Bashful (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs )
- Beary (Country Bears)
- Beast/Prince (Beauty and the Beast)
- Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
- Ben (Pocahontas )
- Benny the Cab (Who Framed Roger Rabbit? )
- Bert (Mary Poppins )
- Big Al (Country Bears)
- Bill (Alice in Wonderland )
- Bird (A Bug’s Life)
- Blake Clark (Toy Story )
- Bo Peep (Toy Story )
- Bomb Voyage (The Incredibles )
- Boo (Monsters Inc.)
- Bootstrap Bill Turner (Pirates of the Caribbean )
- Bowler Hat Guy (Meet the Robinsons)
- Brer Bear (Song of the South)
- Brer Fox (Song of the South)
- Brer Rabbit (Song of the South)
- Bruno (Cinderella )
- Buck “Ace” Cluck (Chicken Little)
- Bullseye (Toy Story )
- Buzz Lightyear (Toy Story )
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter C
- Captain Gantu (Lilo & Stitch)
- Captain Hook (Peter Pan )
- Captain of the Guard (Robin Hood)
- Captain Phoebus (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
- Captain Teague (Pirates of the Caribbean )
- Casey Junior (Dumbo)
- Caterpillar (Alice in Wonderland)
- Celia (Monsters, Inc.)
- Chef Louis (The Little Mermaid )
- Cheshire Cat (Alice in Wonderland )
- Chicha (The Emperor’s New School)
- Chicken Little (Chicken Little)
- Chief Powhatan (Pocahontas )
- Chip & Dale (Mickey Mouse Universe )
- Chip (Beauty and the Beast)
- Christopher Robin (Winnie the Pooh )
- Cinderella
- Clara Cluck(Mickey Mouse Universe)
- Clarabelle Cow (Mickey Mouse Universe )
- Cleo (Pinocchio )
- Clopin (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
- Clotho (Hercules )
- Cogsworth (Beauty and the Beast)
- Colette (Ratatouille)
- Colonel Hathi (The Jungle Book)
- Cornelius Robinson (Meet the Robinsons)
- Country Bears
- Cutler Beckett (Pirates of the Caribbean )
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter D
- Daisy Duck (Mickey Mouse universe)
- Darling (Lady and the Tramp)
- Dash (The Incredibles )
- Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)
- Denahi (Brother Bear)
- Dex (Country Bears)
- Dim (A Bug’s Life)
- Dinah (Alice in Wonderland )
- Doc (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs )
- Doc Hudson (Cars )
- Dodo (Alice in Wonderland )
- Donald Duck (Mickey Mouse Universe )
- Donna Duck (Mickey Mouse Universe )
- Doorknob (Alice in Wonderland )
- Dopey (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs )
- Dormouse (Alice in Wonderland )
- Dot (A Bug’s Life)
- Drizella (Cinderella )
- Dumbo
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter E
- Ed (The Lion King )
- Eddie Valiant (Who Framed Roger Rabbit? )
- Edna (The Incredibles)
- Eeyore (Winnie the Pooh)
- Elastigirl (The Incredibles )
- Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Caribbean )
- Emile (Ratatouille)
- Esmeralda (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter F
- Fairy godmother (Cinderella )
- Father (Beauty and the Beast)
- Father Mouse and Mother Mouse (Robin Hood)
- Fauna (Sleeping Beauty )
- Figaro (Pinocchio )
- Fillmore (Cars )
- Fish Out of Water (Chicken Little)
- Flik (A Bug’s Life)
- Flit (Pocahontas )
- Flo (Cars )
- Flora (Sleeping Beauty )
- Flotsam (The Little Mermaid )
- Flounder (The Little Mermaid )
- Foulfellow the Fox (Pinocchio )
- Foxy Loxy (Chicken Little)
- Francis (A Bug’s Life)
- Frany (Mrs. Robinson) (Meet the Robinsons)
- Frozone (The Incredibles )
- Fungus (Monsters University )
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter G
- Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)
- Genie (Aladdin)
- George Darling (Peter Pan )
- George Sanderson (Monsters University )
- Geppetto (Pinocchio )
- Gideon the Cat (Pinocchio )
- Goob (Meet the Robinsons)
- Goofy (Mickey Mouse Universe )
- Goosey Loosey (Chicken Little)
- Gopher (Winnie the Pooh )
- Governor Ratcliffe (Pocahontas )
- Grandmother Willow (Pocahontas )
- Grey Brother (The Jungle Book )
- Grimsby (The Little Mermaid )
- Grumpy (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs )
- Guido (Cars)
- Gypsy (A Bug’s Life)
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter H
- Hades (Hercules )
- Hamm (Toy Story )
- Happy (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs )
- Hector Barbossa (Pirates of the Caribbean )
- Heffalump (Winnie the Pooh )
- Heimlich (A Bug’s Life)
- Hera (Hercules )
- Hercules
- Hermes (Hercules)
- Hopper (A Bug’s Life)
- Horace Horsecollar (Mickey Mouse Universe )
- Hugo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
- Humbert the Huntsman (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs )
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter I
- Iago (Aladdin)
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter J
- Jack Jack (The Incredibles )
- Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean )
- Jafar (Aladdin)
- James Norrington (Pirates of the Caribbean )
- Jane (Mary Poppins )
- Jane (Tarzan)
- Jaq (Cinderella )
- Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit? )
- Jessie (Toy Story )
- Jetsam (The Little Mermaid )
- Jim Dear (Lady and the Tramp)
- Jiminy Cricket (Pinocchio )
- Jock (Lady and the Tramp)
- John (Peter Pan )
- John Smith (Pocahontas)
- Joshamee Gibbs (Pirates of the Caribbean )
- Judge Claude Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
- Judge Doom (Who Framed Roger Rabbit? )
- Jumba (Lilo & Stitch)
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter K
- Kaa (The Jungle Book )
- Kala (Tarzan)
- Kanga (Winnie the Pooh )
- Kekata (Pocahontas )
- Kenai (Brother Bear)
- Kerchak (Tarzan)
- Kiara (The Lion King )
- King Louie (The Jungle Book )
- King Triton (The Little Mermaid )
- Kirby (Chicken Little)
- Kocoum (Pocahontas)
- Koda (Brother Bear)
- Kovu (The Lion King )
- Kronk (The Emperor’s New School)
- Kuzco (The Emperor’s New School)
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter L
- Lady (Lady and the Tramp)
- Lady Kluck (Robin Hood )
- Lady Tremaine (Cinderella)
- Lampwick (Pinocchio )
- Laverne (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
- LeFou (Beauty and the Beast)
- Lefty (Meet the Robinsons)
- Lewis (Meet the Robinsons)
- Lightning McQueen (Cars )
- Lilo (Lilo & Stitch)
- Little John (Robin Hood )
- Lon (Pocahontas )
- Luigi (Cars )
- Lumiere (Beauty and the Beast)
- Lumpy (Winnie the Pooh )
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter M
- Mack (Cars)
- Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland )
- Madam Mim (The Sword in the Stone)
- Magic Carpet (Aladdin )
- Maid Marian (Robin Hood)
- Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty )
- Manny (A Bug’s Life)
- March Hare (Alice in Wonderland )
- Mary Darling (Peter Pan)
- Mary Poppins
- Mater (Cars )
- Maurice (Beauty and the beast)
- Max Goof (Mickey Mouse Universe )
- Meeko (Pocahontas)
- Megara (Hercules )
- Melvin (Chicken Little)
- Merlin (The Sword in the Stone)
- Merryweather (Sleeping Beauty )
- Michael (Mary Poppins )
- Michael (Peter Pan )
- Mickey Mouse
- Mike (Monsters University )
- Minnie Mouse ( Mickey Mouse Universe )
- Mirage (The Incredibles)
- Molt (A Bug’s Life)
- Monstro (Pinocchio )
- Morcupine Porcupine (Chicken Little)
- Mother Rabbit (Robin Hood )
- Mowgli (The Jungle Book )
- Mr. Banks (Mary Poppins )
- Mr. Bile (Monsters University )
- Mr. Clayton (Tarzan)
- Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles )
- Mr. Potatohead (Toy Story )
- Mr. Waternoose (Monsters, Inc )
- Mr. Woolensworth (Chicken Little)
- Mrs. Banks (Mary Poppins )
- Mrs. Jumbo (Dumbo)
- Mrs. Potatohead (Toy Story )
- Mrs. Potts (Beauty and the Beast)
- Ms. Flint (Monsters, Inc. )
- Mufasa (The Lion King )
- Muses (Hercules)
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter N
- Nakoma (Pocahontas )
- Nala (The Lion King )
- Nani (Lilo & Stitch)
- Needleman and Smitty (Monsters, Inc. )
- Nessus (Hercules )
- Nuka (The Lion King )
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter O
- Octavius (Gus) (Cinderella )
- Otto (Robin Hood )
- Owl (Winnie the Pooh )
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter P
- P.T. Flea (A Bug’s Life)
- Pacha (The Emperor’s New School)
- Pain (Hercules )
- Panic (Hercules )
- Pegasus (Hercules )
- Percy (Pocahontas )
- Pete (Mickey Mouse universe)
- Peter Pan
- Phil (Hercules )
- Piglet (Winnie the Pooh )
- Pinocchio
- Pintel (Pirates of the Caribbean )
- Pluto (Mickey Mouse Universe )
- Pocahontas
- Prince Charming (Cinderella )
- Prince charming (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs )
- Prince Eric (The Little Mermaid )
- Prince John (Robin Hood )
- Prince Philip (Sleeping Beauty )
- Princess Atta (A Bug’s Life)
- Princess Jasmine (Aladdin )
- Professor Archimedes Q. Porter (Tarzan)
- Pumbaa (The Lion King )
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter Q & R
- Quasimodo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
- Queen (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs )
- Queen of Hearts (Alice in Wonderland )
- Rabbit (Winnie the Pooh)
- Rafiki (The Lion King )
- Ragetti (Pirates of the Caribbean )
- Rajah (Aladdin)
- Raksha (The Jungle Book )
- Ramone (Cars )
- Randall (Monsters, Inc )
- Remy (Ratatouille)
- Rex (Toy Story )
- Robin Hood
- Roger Rabbit
- Roo (Winnie the Pooh )
- Rosie (A Bug’s Life)
- Roz (Monsters Inc.)
- Runt (Chicken Little)
- Rutt (Brother Bear)
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter S
- Sally Carrera (Cars )
- Sao Feng (Pirates of the Caribbean )
- Sarabi (The Lion King )
- Sarafina (The Lion King )
- Sarge (Cars )
- Sarge (Toy Story )
- Scar/Taka (The Lion King )
- Scuttle (The Little Mermaid )
- Sebastian (The Little Mermaid )
- Shaker (Country Bears)
- Shanti (The Jungle Book )
- Shenzi (The Lion King )
- Shere Khan (The Jungle Book )
- Sheriff (Cars )
- Sheriff of Nottingham (Robin Hood )
- Shrek
- Si and Am (Lady and the Tramp)
- Sid (Toy Story )
- Simba (The Lion King )
- Singing Frogs (Meet the Robinsons)
- Sir Ector (The Sword in the Stone)
- Sir Hiss (Robin Hood)
- Sir Kay (The Sword in the Stone)
- Sis (Robin Hood )
- Sitka (Brother Bear)
- Skippy (Robin Hood )
- Sleeping Beauty
- Sleepy (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs )
- Slim (A Bug’s Life)
- Slinky – Jim Varney (Toy Story )
- Smee (Peter Pan )
- Sneezy (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs )
- Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs )
- Stinky Pete the prospector (Toy Story )
- Stitch (Lilo & Stitch)
- Stromboli (Pinocchio )
- Sully (Monsters University )
- Syndrome (The Incredibles )
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter T
- Tagalong (Robin Hood )
- Tanana (Brother Bear)
- Tantor (Tarzan)
- Tarzan
- Ted Betterhead (Country Bears)
- Terkina (Terk) (Tarzan)
- The Archdeacon (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
- The Blue Fairy (Pinocchio )
- The Coachman (Pinocchio )
- The Crocodile/Tic Toc (Peter Pan )
- The King (Cars )
- The Lost Boys (Peter Pan )
- The Magic Mirror (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs )
- The Queen (A Bug’s Life)
- The Sultan (Aladdin)
- The Three Caballeros (Mickey Mouse Universe )
- The Toon Patrol (Who Framed Roger Rabbit? )
- Thimble (Country Bears)
- Thomas (Pocahontas )
- Tia Dalma (Pirates of the Caribbean )
- Tiger Lily (Peter Pan )
- Tigger (Winnie the Pooh )
- Timon (The Lion King )
- Timothy Q. Mouse (Dumbo)
- Tinker Bell (Peter Pan )
- Tiny (Meet the Robinsons)
- Toby (Robin Hood )
- Tramp (Lady and the Tramp)
- Trigger & Nutsy (Robin Hood )
- Trusty (Lady and the Tramp)
- Tuck and Roll (A Bug’s Life)
- Tug (Brother Bear)
- Tuke (Brother Bear)
- Turkey Lurkey (Chicken Little)
- Tweedle Dee (Alice in Wonderland )
- Tweedle Dum (Alice in Wonderland )
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter U & V
- Ursula (The Little Mermaid )
- Victor (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)
- Violet (The Incredibles )
- Vitani (The Lion King )
Fancy dress of Disney characters starting with letter W X Y & Z
- Wart/Arthur (The Sword in the Stone)
- Wendy (Peter Pan )
- Wheezy (Toy Story )
- White Rabbit (Alice in Wonderland )
- Wiggins (Pocahontas )
- Wilbur Robinson (Meet the Robinsons)
- Will Turner (Pirates of the Caribbean )
- Winnie the Pooh
- Woody (Toy Story )
- Yeti (Monsters, inc )
- Yzma (The Emperor’s New School)
- Zazu (The Lion King )
- Zeus (Hercules )
- Zira (The Lion King )