Find below a selection of pictures and a list of many fancy dress and costume ideas for the theme “Historical figures” ordered alphabetically !
Photos of fancy dress and costumes for the theme “Historical Figures”

List of fancy dress and costume ideas for the theme “Historical Figures”
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter A
- Abbé Pierre
- Abraham Lincoln
- Adolf Hitler
- Akhenaton (pharaon)
- Albert Camus
- Albert de Monaco
- Albert Einstein
- Alexander the Great
- Alexandre Dumas
- Alfred Hitchcock
- Alfred the Great
- American Civil War
- Anne Frank
- Antoinette Marie
- Antonio Vivaldi
- Antony Marc
- Anubis the Jackal
- Aristote
- Arminius
- Arthur Rimbaud
- Atlantis
- Augustus Caesar
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter B
- Balthazar
- Barbarian
- Beethoven
- Benjamin Franklin
- Benoit XVI
- Bill Clinton
- Bob Marley
- Bonaparte Napoleon
- Bourvil
- Buddha
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter C
- Caesar
- Cardinal de Richelieu
- Cary Grant
- Centurion Armour
- Cézanne Paul
- Chantal Goya
- Charlemagne
- Charles Aznavour
- Charles de Gaulle
- Charles Ray
- Charles Trenet
- Charlie Chaplin
- Che Guevara
- Chopin
- Christ Jesus
- Christian Dior
- Chuck Norris
- Claude Monet
- Cleopatra
- Clovis
- Coco Chanel+
- Collins Phil
- Colonial Man
- Coluche
- Constantine the Great
- Cossack
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter D
- Dalida
- Dmitry Donksoy
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter E
- Edith Piaf
- Edouard III
- Edouard Manet
- Egyptian Girl
- Eiffel Gustave
- Elizabeth I
- El-Kader Abd
- Elvis Presley
- Emile Durkheim
- Emile Zola
- Emperor
- Enzo Ferrari
- Etienne Montgolfier
- Evacuee Boy
- Evacuee Girl
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter F
- Fangio (Pilote)
- Fernandel
- Ferry Jules
- Flaubert Gustave
- Foch (Maréchal)
- Fontaine, Jean de la
- Ford Henry (voitures)
- Fouquet Nicolas (Louis XIV)
- France Gall
- Franck Sinatra
- François 1er
- François Claude
- François Rabelais
- Frank, Anne
- Frankenstein
- Franklin Benjamin
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Freddie Mercury
- Frederick the Great
- Friedrich Nietzsche
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter G
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
- George Washington
- Gérard de Nerval
- Ghost Lady
- Giorgio Armani
- Grace Kelly
- Greek
- Gregory Lemarchal
- Gustave Courbet
- Gustave Eiffel
- Gustave Flaubert
- Guy De Maupassant
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter H
- Hannibal
- Harry S. Truman
- Heinrich Hertz
- Heinrich Himmler
- Hendrix Jimi
- Henri IV
- Henri Matisse
- Henry Truman
- Henry VIII
- Hercules
- Hérode
- Homère
- Honoré De Balzac
- Hugo Victor
- Hugues Capet
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter I
- Igor Stravinski
- Imperial Empress
- Isaac Asimov
- Isaac Newton
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter J
- Jackal Anubis
- Jacques Brel
- Jacques Villerest
- James Cook
- James Madison
- James Monroe
- Jean Ferrat
- Jean jacques Rousseau
- Jean Jaurès
- Jean Paul II
- Jesus Christ
- Jimi Hendrix
- Joan of Arc
- John Adams
- John F. Kennedy
- Joseph
- Joseph Stalin
- Julius Caesar
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter K
- Kate Middelton
- King Arthur
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter L
- Lady Diana
- Lawrence of Arabia
- Leif Ericson
- Léo Ferré
- Léonard de Vinci
- Louis de Condé
- Louis de Funès
- Louis Hachette
- Louis XVI
- Louis-Philippe
- Ludwig Van Beethoven
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter M
- Magellan
- Magritte
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Maid Marion
- Mandela Nelson
- Mao Zedond
- Robert Schuman
- Marc Antony
- Margaret Thatcher
- Martin Luther-King
- Mary
- Mata Hari (spy)
- Maupassant Guy de
- Mazarin
- Médicis Catherine de
- Medieval Knight
- Medieval Princess
- Medusa Sultry
- Michel Polnareff
- Mohammed V
- Molière
- Monroe Marylin
- Montaigne
- Montesquieu
- Mother Teresa
- Moulin Jean
- Mozart
- Musketeer
- Mussolini
- Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter N
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Nefertiti (Queen)
- Neil Armstrong
- Nelson Mandela
- Nicolas Copernic
- Nino Cerutti
- Nino Ferrer
- Nirvana
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter O
- Olympic Goddes
- Otto Von Bismarck
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter P
- Pablo Picasso
- Paul Cézanne
- Paul Valéry
- Pericles
- Pharaoh
- Pierre Abbé
- Pierre Bourdieu
- Pierre Larousse
- Pilgrim
- Prévert Jacques
- Proust Marcel
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter Q & R
- Queen
- Queen Nefertiti
- Queen Victoria
- Rainier III
- Ramses II
- Raymond Barre
- Rembrandt
- Renaissance
- Revolting Peasant
- Richard the lion Heart
- Robert Schuman
- Robin Hood
- Ronald Reagan
- Roman Empress
- Royal knightess
- Russian Empress
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter S
- Saddam Hussein
- Saint Exupéry Antoine
- Salah al-Din
- Salvador Dali
- Serge Gainsbourg
- Siddharta Gautama Buddha
- Sigmund Freud
- Sinatra Franck
- Socrate
- Spartan
- Spencer Diana
- St. George
- Stendhal
- Suleyman the Magnificient
- Sultan Mehmed II
- Sun Tzu
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter T
- Taylor Elizabeth
- Thomas Jefferson
- Toga
- Toutankhamon
- Trenet Charles
- Tudor Girl
- Tudor Princess
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter U & V
- US Cavalry
- Valiant knight
- Verne Jules
- Victor Hugo
- Victorian
- Viking
- Vincent Van Gogh
- Vladimir Putin
- Voltaire
Fancy dress of historical figures starting with letter W X Y & Z
- Walt Disney
- Whitney Houston
- William Shakespeare
- William the Conqueror
- Winehouse Amy
- Winston Churchill
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
- WW2
- Yves Saint-Laurent