Find below a selection of pictures and a list of many fancy dress and costume ideas for the theme “Jobs & Uniforms” ordered alphabetically !
Photos of fancy dress and costumes for the theme “Jobs & Uniforms”

List of fancy dress and costume ideas for the theme “Jobs & Uniforms”
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter A
- Alchemist
- Ambulance
- Anti-Terrorist
- Apprentice
- Archaeologist
- Army Officer (Marine, Air, Earth)
- Astronaut
- Aviator
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter B
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter C
- Cabin crew
- Carpenter
- Caterer
- Cheesemonger
- Chief
- Clerk
- Coach
- Computer Scientist
- Confectioner
- Convict
- Cowboy
- Customs Officer
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter D
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter E
- Economist
- Editor
- Educator …
- Electrician
- Electromécanicien
- Electronics
- Employee
- Engineer
- Ergonomist
- Ethnologist
- Expert …
- Explorer
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter F
- Fakir
- Falconer
- Farmer
- Fashion Designer
- Filibuster
- Fireman
- Fitness trainer
- Fitter
- Flight attendant
- Flutist
- Footballer
- Forest (Guard)
- Framer
- Fripier
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter G
- Game Designer
- Gardener
- Gendarme
- Geologist
- Géomaticien
- Geometer
- Glass-Blower
- Governor
- Graphic Artist
- Graphic Designer
- Gravedigger
- Greenkeeper
- Grocer
- Guard
- Guardsman
- Guide
- Gynecologist
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter H
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter I
- Ice cream seller
- Iconographer
- Illustrator
- Infographiste
- Inspector
- Integrator
- Interpreter
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter J
- Jeweler
- Jockey
- Journalist
- Judge
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter K
- Karate Instructor
- Keepers: Animal care
- Keno Dealer
- Keyboard Operator
- Knee Surgeon
- Knife Sharpener
- Kickboxer
- Kicker
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter L
- Laboratory
- Lad Jockey
- Launderer
- Law Enforcement
- Lawyer
- Librarian
- Lieutenant (Fireman, Military, Police…)
- Lifeguard
- Linguist
- Logistician
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter M
- Mafiosi
- Magician
- Magistrate
- Makeup
- Male Nurse
- Manager
- Manipulator
- Manufacturer
- Marabou
- Marathoner
- Marine
- Maroquinier
- Mason
- Masseur
- Matador
- Matchmaker
- Mathematician
- Mechanic
- Mediator
- Mercenary
- Merchandiser
- Midwife
- Military
- Miller
- Minister
- Minor
- Model Maker
- Model
- Monitor
- Monk
- Moulder
- Mountaineer
- Museographer
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter N
- Neurologist
- Notary
- Nun
- Nursery
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter O
- Operator
- Officer
- Optician
- Ornithologist
- Orthoptist
- Ortophoniste
- Osteopath
- Otolaryngologist
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter P
- Painter
- Patrolman
- Pediatrician
- Photographer
- Pilot… (Airliner, fighter, Helicopter, Tank…)
- Pipefitter
- Pizza delivery man
- Plasterer
- Plumber
- Police Officer
- Pork Butcher
- Potter
- Printer
- Producer
- Professor
- Prosecutor
- Psychiatrist
- Psychologist
- Puppeteer
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter Q & R
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter S
- Sailor
- Scientist
- Scrap Dealer
- Scriptwriter
- Sculptor
- Secret agent
- Secretary
- Seller …
- Server
- Shepherd
- Showman
- Silkscreen
- Sindyc
- Smith
- Sociologist
- Specialist …
- Sportsman
- Statistician
- Steward
- Storekeeper
- Stylist
- Sub-Officer
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter T
- Tailor
- Teacher
- Technical Sales
- Technician …
- Teller
- Tester
- Tightrope Walker
- Town Planner
- Trader
- Translator
- Treasurer
- Typographer
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter U & V
- Upholsterer Upholstery
- Veterinary
- Volcanologist
Fancy dress of jobs starting with letter W X Y & Z
- Warehouseman
- Watchmaker
- Watchman
- Weaver
- Webdesigner
- Webmaster
- Wine Waiter
- Winegrower
- Winemaker
- Woodcutter
- Worker
- Writer
- Zoologist
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